Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • Betül Urhan
Invısıbles’ Struggle To Be Vısıble: Workıng Women’s Organizatıons


Increase in women workforce brought the problems of organization of women in trade unions and their representation back into the agenda. In this process, hundreds of organizing experiences from diverse regions of the world will be enlightening for attracting women to unions. This article focuses on the organizing experiences of women which are products of their efforts to reverse the ignorance of women in traditional trade unions as well as in the workforce.
Keywords : Trade Unions, Women, Women-only Unions, Organizing
Görünmezlerin Görünür Olma Mücadeleleri: Çalışan Kadın Örgütlenmeleri


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URHAN, B., & . ( 2009). Görünmezlerin Görünür Olma Mücadeleleri: Çalışan Kadın Örgütlenmeleri. Çalışma ve Toplum, 2(21), 83-110.