Economics and Law Journal

Primary Language
: tr
  • A. Utku Erdayı
National Policies as Redards Solution of the Youth Unemployment in the World and Turkey


In this article, the national policies relevant to size and solutions of the problems of youth unemployment in the World and Turkey are discussed. Along with globalization and neo-liberal policies, the youth unemployment has been the common problem of all countries regardless of being developed or underdeveloped country. In spite of growth experienced in the world’s economy in the last decade which will be considered significant, no substantial development could be provided for solution of youth unemployment problem. The major reason therefore is that the economical growth is not reflected in employment due to being that it is attained in line with productivity increase to a great extent. Due to being that the economical growth does not make any contribution to youth unemployment it is required that in many countries the national policies are put into action in line with the economical growth or that the efficiency of the existing policies is increased. The said national policies are mainly divided into two categories: Education policies and active labour market policies. In this regard, it is needed that the national policies are immediately be implemented and the efficiency of existing ones is increased in order to solve youth unemployment problem which has substantially become widespread. The first attempt that must be made on for this purpose is to establish a national employment strategy in accordance with the said policies. This article aims at revealing the national policies which will be a solution for youth unemployment problem in terms of offering an insight into the employment strategy needed to create in Turkey
Keywords : Youth Unemployment (Genç İşsizliği), National Policies(Ulusal Politikalar), Active Labour Market Policies (Aktif İşgücü PiyasasıPolitikaları), ALMP (AİPP)
Dünyada Genç İşsizliği Sorununun Çözümüne Yönelik Ulusal Politikalar ve Türkiye


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ERDAYI, A., & . ( 2009). Dünyada Genç İşsizliği Sorununun Çözümüne Yönelik Ulusal Politikalar ve Türkiye. Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(22), 133-162.