Economics and Law Journal

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Themes of Thesis and Change in Paradigm At Departments of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations


It has become very important to make a research on researches of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations due to increase in academic debate around these departments, increase in demands for name change in our country and even closure of them in certain countries. Introduction of paradigm is important if it is to be claimed that views of academic societies differ from other ones, and academic discipline does exist. All in all academic unity holds on that paradigm. For years, it has been debated that human resources management is on front line, social policy is being ignored more and more, and changes which have been occurring are strong enough to provoke changes at paradigm of Departments of Labor Economics and Industrial Relations DLEIR . It is hard to admit, from the research which was conducted from headings of 921 master degree thesis which were written from 1984 to 2007 at 13 different DLEIR and from 179 doctorate degree thesis which were written from 1984 to 2007 at 9 different DLEIR, that shifts toward humans resources management were permanent in spite of some shifts. It can be admitted from results of research, that there are reflections of labour market on departments. Nevertheless it is early to say that the reflections are powerful enough to shape departments. But it is also possible to claim that this tendency can lead to changes in paradigm if social policy background is to be abandoned and name of the departments are changed.
Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Bölümleri’nde Tez Konuları ve Paradigma Değişiklikleri


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YORGUN, S., & . ( 2009). Çalışma Ekonomisi ve Endüstri İlişkileri Bölümleri’nde Tez Konuları ve Paradigma Değişiklikleri. Çalışma ve Toplum, 1(20), 45-60.