Economics and Law Journal

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: tr
  • Banu Uçkan Hekimler


The European Union has entered to a new phase with signing of the European Constitution by the heads of states and governments of the 25 Member States on 29 October 2004. The European Constitution must be ratified by all the Member States in order to be implemented. However the ratification process came to a halt after the results of referendums held in France and the Netherlands and hence the possibility of implementation of the European Constitution as such has been ceased. Nevertheless the ratification process of the European Constitution and efforts to cope with the crisis within the European Union has been going on. There has no deviation from the European Union’s current neo-liberal economic perspectives within the European Constitution but important progress has been made as regards the democratic and social rights. The Charter of Fundamental Rights has been directly transferred to the Second Part of the European Constitution and the implementation of the qualified majority voting system in the social policy area has been enlarged. In this paper; the general framework of the European Constitution will be given in advance and then the new regulations of the European Constitution concerning the social policy will be evaluated
Keywords : European Union, European Constitution, social policy
Avrupa Anayasası’nın Genel Çerçevesi ve Sosyal Politikalara İlişkin Temel Düzenlemeleri


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UÇKAN HEKİMLER, B., & . ( 2005). Avrupa Anayasası’nın Genel Çerçevesi ve Sosyal Politikalara İlişkin Temel Düzenlemeleri. Çalışma ve Toplum, 3(6), 107-136.