The Omnibus Law No. 6552 regarding changes in the Labour Law, some other Laws and Legislative Decrees and Reconstruction of Some Debts, which has come into effect by being published in the Official Journal dated 11.09.2014, has made changes and new regulations in several laws and legislative decrees. Some of the changes that have been made are related to labour and social security legislations. Most of the regulations are noted to be regarding the insured employees who have experienced an occupational accident on 13.05.2014 in Soma and their benefectors. In addition to these, the Law also includes some regulations related to all workers who work in underground jobs. Also included in this Law, is the regulations regarding the main contractor-subcontractor relations which make up one of the problematic scopes of the execution. In this study, the changes included in the Omnibus Law regarding the Labour Law No. 4857 and Unions and Collective Agreement Law No. 6356 will be reviewed.
Keywords : The Law 6552, The Omnibus Law No. 6552, thechanges included in the Omnibus Law No. 6552 regarding theLabour Law No. 4857, the changes included in the Omnibus LawNo. 6552 regarding the Unions and Collective Agreement Law No.6356.