Youth unemployment is one of the most important economic and social problems in many parts of the world, including Western countries and Turkey. The youth unemployment rate, which was 13 percent worldwide in 2019, is approximately 3 times higher than the general unemployment rate. In the 15-24 age group young population of almost 13 million in 2019, youth unemployment is 25 percent in Turkey, while the unemployed young population has exceeded one million three hundred thousand. From a gender perspective, as in many parts of the world and in Turkey young women seem to be more disadvantaged in labor markets. The unemployment rate of young women, which persistently increased during the 2000s, exceeded 30 percent in 2019 while the unemployment rate of young men was 22 percent. In the 2000s, positive developments were experienced in the participation of young women in the labor force and net schooling rates in tertiary education. However, among the young unemployed, the proportion of young women remained higher than that of young men. One out of three young women are neither in employment nor in education in Turkey, but for the women who are in the 20-24 age group, the picture is even worse. In this study, the unemployment of young women in the 2000s in Turkey will be analysed comparatively with the unemployment of young men. The causes of young women unemployment, the labor market policies towards young women unemployment also will be analysed. For evaluating the labor market policies of Turkey in 2000’s, National Employment Strategy 20142023 , development plans will be examined
Keywords : Youth unemployment, young women unemployment, labor market policies, employment strategy, Turkey