Mechanisms for supervision and controlling on labour faced with radical transformations following replacement of supllyside economy policies with demand-side economy policies after 1980. In Turkey, however, the new supply-side economics started to wake thanks to the suppression of labour movement and social opposition after military coup in September 12, 1980 which was a structural consequence of export-based industrial policies which were introduced following Cabinet Decisions dated January 24th, 1980. In this way, pressures on wages were incredibly increased, democratic rights and freedoms were restricted, commercialization and privatization of public enterprises gained momentum, public expenditures tightened and working life was flexiblized by openning the way for temporary working, subcontracting and informality to the effect that precarious working became a dominant practice for laborers. Notwithstanding, the legitimation of work practices which had traditionally been assumed as illegitimate for decades came with the new labour law. Thus, all sectors started to be subject to flexiblity. It was the public enterprises KITs which were the main drawees of tightening expenditures in state enterprises, commercialization, privatization and flexiblization. However laborers and peoples who work and live in the regions where these KITs were located were among those most affected groups. Zonguldak city had traditionally been known as a space of black coal which was identified with the name of Turkish Enterprises of Black Coal TTK till 1980s. However, today the same Zonguldak has turned to a city where clandestine mines are patrolling, private mining and energy corporations are showing off in addition to the changed face of the city with the popularity of its natural beauties and touristic places. In this study, it is aimed to analyse transformation conditions of working life in mine enterprises of Zonguldak Çatalağzı, Kilimli, Kırımsa, Karadon after 1980 with a particular focus on transformation patterns. In the context of study, a number of depth interviews were made including the ones with TTK executives in Karadon; two interviews with private enterprises in Kilimli; and an interview with the owner of a clandestine mine in Kırımsa. Moreover, total 37 mine workers who work in TTK, private mine corporations and a clandestine mine were also interviewed who were primarily and directly affected from the transformations of working life in the region. On the other hand, study also aimed to gather information on the conditions of this change in the region through informal chats at cafes and homes of the families of mine workers. Thus, study focused to understand, perceive and explain the realities of the conditions of change in social field by using multiple techniques
Keywords : Working Life, Mining, Zonguldak, Private Mine, Clandestine Mine, Turkish Enterprises of Black Coal